Acorn Press

Acrylic charm order form


Design Name Material Size Quantity Extras Files Price

Shipping address

Shipping method

  • Note: USPS does not guarantee the expected delivery date for this service.
  • Note: USPS does guarantee the expected delivery date for this service.
  • Note: USPS does not guarantee the expected delivery date for this service.
  • Note: USPS does not guarantee the expected delivery date for this service.

Optional information

If so, let us know the last day you can receive your charms at the address provided.

Our current estimated turnaround time is 5 business days.

Under standard processing, your order is expected to ship by Friday, February 28.


Please also make note of things like any intentional atypical file setups! (For example, charms without holes or changed hole sizes, clear acrylic charms intended to be singlesided, intentional internal cuts, etc.) Also, please let us know if you are re-ordering a design that you've made new modifications to.

If so, feel free to put any relevant information below: art blogs, websites, store links, fandoms, etc.!

Rush fee
Shipping discount